Perth is incredibly fortunate to be home to numerous world-class aerialists who dedicate their lives to creating breath-taking works and displaying incredible physical prowess and grace with deceptive ease. The greatest magic trick of all perhaps.
The nature of what we do is inherently risky so safety is of paramount importance to us. All rigging points must be Engineer Certified and gear installed by an Advanced Rigger with relevant industry knowledge and experience. We have our own in-house rigger or we can work alongside you to navigate the best option.

Don't have anything for us to hang off of? Hire our portable rig!
With a quick and easy set-up, this can be in your venue in under half an hour. Indoors or outdoors; from marble floors to the waters edge.
Measuring in at 6.4m at full height, or 4.7m in baby mode. The footprint measures in at 5x7m at it's maximum, however with an interchangeable headpiece we can really tweak this to fit a range of spaces.
Not sure how much height you have?
We do site visits in advance wherever possible and measure out the space to ensure everything will run as smoothly as possible on the day.